Various co-curricular & extra – curricular activities including extension lectures, community participation, organization of morning assembly, time table, examination schedule, sports meet, celebration of important days such as Diwali, Holi, Lohri, International Women’s Day, International Aids Day, Science Day, Republic Day, Environment Day, Earth Week etc., are well planned in advance by the committee in the beginning of the session. In spite of all the various competitions like Talent Hunt, Inter House Quiz competition, Speech, Poetry Recitation, Drama / Skit, drawing & Painting etc., are also planned in advance and all this planning is communicated well in time to the students, teachers and administration for their reference. Feedback on the academic calendar is invited from the teachers in staff council meeting and from students is through tutorial meetings & suggestion box.

For co–curricular activities like different Days celebration, debate, cultural programmes, exhibition of teaching aids and books, we have a multi–purpose hall. We have very advanced sound system, wooden stage and podium for the celebration of different functions.
Eminent literary personalities and academicians visit our college and deliver lectures on various subjects.
Our college make the platform for various literary activities every year for our Pupil-Teachers.

Our College organizes and participates in various Inter College Competitions.

For outdoor games and sports, the college has a large play ground. Moreover we have a large 8350 sq.ft. [100 x 83.60] terrace which could also be used for the variety of activities if need arises. Our College has a large open group & space for the indoor games. The college has appointed a qualified physical trained institution who looks after games & other sports activities along with yoga university competition etc. The P.T.I. gives training to the pupil teachers to participate in various inter college inter university competitions pupil teachers are encouraged & motivated to take part in different sports & games certificate & trophies are also awarded to the best players by organizing a prize distributions function every year by our college.